January 21, 2014 the world will finally get to hear Apocalyptic Visions of Divine Terror! ForChristSake have finished the recording process of their debut full length album and have now delivered it to Roxx Records! With music in hand and artwork and layout in the works we are happy to announce we have set a FINAL release date for January 21, 2014 for the bands debut Roxx Records release! This will surely prove to be one of the best extreme metal albums for 2014!
The debut album and first 'unblack' release for Roxx Records comes from Northern Ireland's very own ForChristSake. These 16 new tracks of blistering unblack/death metal are guaranteed to shake the foundation walls of hell! Track listing: 01 - Blackened Lands 02 - The Hollow Way of Thinking 03 - Leech 04 - At the Gates of Depravity 05 - Deliver us From Evil 06 - Last Call 07 - Shadow 08 - Serpent Rising 09 - Red Moon 10 - Walk Among the Dead 11 - Necronemesis 12 - Inhalation Asphyxia 13 - Deification 14 - Inferno 15 - Apocalyptic Visions of Divine Terror 16 - The Dawn of a New Day