PHIL KEAGGY - PHIL KEAGGY (*NEW-CD, 1998, Myrrh) Classic Keaggy!
A Sign Came Through A Window 4:12
Beneath The Blood-Stained Lintel 3:26
Under The Grace 5:00
Above All Things 4:22
My Unspoken Words 4:20
Tender Love 4:36
A Little Bit Of Light 5:47
Chase The Bad Away 4:43
Quite Suddenly 3:35
Days Like You 3:48
Jesus Loves The Church 6:31
I must confess that I am NOT a Christian at all, but this album--like DC Talk's "Supernatural"--has such a profound variety of music that I place the recording in leagues with Elvis Costello's "Imperial Bedroom" and the Beatles' "White Album". The reason for these comparisons is their mutual labyrinthian use of a multitude of soundscapes and styles, from acoustic ballads to bouncy Celtic-influenced tunes to power-driven rock n roll complete with howling, to jazz-influenced sound-walls like "Tender Love"--easily the most Beatlesque song of the collection; culminating in the hush, lullaby-like "Jesus Loves the Church"--the most telling song on the record with regard to the Christian Church's habit of horrific gossip and judgmentalism--against themselves. The song is a stunning juxtaposition of theme and sound; with the lyrics telling the tragic story of the church's in-house grappling over trivial, worldly-bound issues and gain; while the lush instrumentals and nearly whispered melody by Keaggy harkens a tragic and mournful heartache that evokes RIngo Starr's emotive vocals in the White Album's finale, "Good Night." But this lullaby is nothing to fall asleep to. As Ringo whispers "good night" to his audience of millions, Keaggy gives a heartbreaking call of "I love you." I give this a hearty five stars for a "Classic" album.