ANTESTOR - OMEN (Bombworks) CD
Barcode: 845121054675
- Jewel Case release
- Norway Christian Black Metal
- 2012 release on Bombworks Records
- Elite release critically important in black metal circles
- No trolls were harmed in the recording of the album!
Hailing from Norway, Christian black metal's most prolific and infamous band returns with the release of Omen, a beautifully anti-blasphemous epic masterpiece. The band is credited with starting the northern European Christian extreme metal scene. The band's brand of black/doom metal carried such a reputation that Antestor is the only Christian band to have an album released by Cacophonous Records, home to bands such as Dimmu Borgir, Sifg, and Cradle of Filth.
1 Treacherous Domain 5:33
2 Unchained 3:56
3 In Solitude 4:34
4 The Kindling 5:25
5 Remnants 6:01
6 All Towers Must Fall 6:48
7 Torn Apart 4:19
8 Tilflukt 3:42
9 Benighted 4:52
10 Mørkets Grøde
Treacherous Domain/Unchained/In Solitude/The Kindling/Remnants/All Towers Must Fall/Torn Apart/Tilflukt/Benighted/Mørkets Grøde
Yes... I've heard a few people say they didn't care for this album, they have said: its "to commercial"- Well, first of all, how "commercial" is Black Metal anyway?!?! ...not very. Secondly, there's a lot of this Black Metal out there these days and in my opinion, a lot of it is just plain boring. I mean lets face it, a lot of this stuff sounds Exactly the same, its usually hard to tell one band from another- the extreme distortion, ambiance, blast beats, grind or screeching vocals, and so on...But, the thing about ANTESTOR- Its Classy. Really, Its classy black metal. They do it tastefully. Just when you think, this all sounds the same, they throw in some off the wall cello-violin-sitar-vocal arrangement/acoustical piece with some bizarre off time drum pattern. Their guitar riffs always catch me. I keep playing certain tracks over and over...Excellent, tasteful, and interesting; that's the KEY- INTERESTING. Antestor keep it interesting. No, I don't have a lot of black metal, most of what I have is actually considered "White" or "Unblack" metal: ANTESTOR, SLECHTVALK, A HILL TO DIE UPON, KEKAL, EXTOL, LENGSEL, SANCTIFICA, PANTOKRATOR, ELUVEITIE, ADMONISH, RENASCENT, SYMPATHY and thats pretty much all I really like in this particular Genre. But friends, ANTESTOR is very much a leader in the pack. If you like Doom/Norwegian/black metal style music, and say you don't like Antestor, your either a moron, a liar or just mad that they believe the Bible. They are superb at what they do... Try to imagine a cover band performing KISS songs. Now Imagine KISS doing KISS songs. Nothing is better than the real thing. Antestor is the real thing. Real Music. Real message. Real Hard. Real Fast. Real Interesting. Real Metal.