- Touring drummer for doom metal band Trouble in the 80's
- Principal songwriter, drummer, and c0-founder for Tourniquet (Metal Blade Records)
Region 1 (USA/Canada)
Barcode: 808497000523
As drummer, song writer, and cofounder of Tourniquet since its inception in 1990, Ted's aggressive, musical, and often unorthodox approach to the drums has been recognized by thousands. See where he gets his inspiration and how he transfers that passion to the drums - enter the drumming world of Ted Kirkpatrick.
DVD - Circadian Rhythms - The Drumming World of Ted Kirkpatrick Includes all 50 minutes from the original "Unreleased Drum Solos" video plus 94 minutes of additional footage. Cool cover art and layout by Nathan Krauss (Ocular Digital DVD cover). Total running time: 2 hours 24 minutes!
01. Intro
02. Hidden Rhythms
03. Piercing the Silence
04. Wings in Motion
05. Nature Speaks
06. Displacement
07. Motivated by Silence
08. "Trivializing the Momentous" studio drum tracking
09. Where Moth and Rust Destroy studio drum tracking
10. Unreleased Drum Solos (from the original VHS) EXTRAS:
01. Steelhead Fishing
02. Drumming Influences
03. Butterflies
04. On Double Bass Playing
05. Chinook Salmon
06. Lake Fishing
07. New Drummers
08. Beginnings/Sticks
09. Harley 100th
10. Best Drum Songs
11. Turkeys
12. Cymbal Selection
13. Butterfly Collection