SILENCER - THE GREAT BEAR (*NEW-Digipak, 2012, Vanity Music Group) Power/Thrash/Groove Metal!
Not to be mistaken for the suicidal Swedish black metal act of the same name, this Silencer has instead been kicking about the Colorado scene for well over a decade, sharpening and polishing its sound into an aggressive fusion of thrash and power, with smaller hints of groove metal for good measure... I can promise you that to experience Silencer is to experience something DIFFERENT, and that is more than I can say for the lion's share of new music I'm often sent for analysis. by Autothrall
Track Listing
01 Sacred War
02 I Am Thunder!
03 1969
04 Great Bear
05 Insignia
06 Star City Pt. I
07 Star City Pt. II
08 Orders/Noble Sacrifice
09 The Roar
10 Light
11 The First, The Last