1 Shadow Man 5:34
2 My Wicked Heart 5:38
3 Black Bone Torso 2:15
4 Hell For Eternity 4:38
5 Hallowed Ground
6 Revengeance 5:21
7 Trail Of Tears 5:51
8 Stone Cold Killers 4:57
9 Rubber Man 4:26
10 Hallowed Ground (Take #5 Acoustic) 6:09
Made as a statement to the terrorist who orchestrated 9/11 dying for the world is as angry as blackie has sounded in awhile and it makes for a great metal record. Dying for the world goes straight for the throat for the majority of its running time. Starting off with shadow man a heavy driving song with great lyrics, a killer chorus, heavy riffs and blackies unmistakable vocals. My wicked heart is next and its a great song as well. Black bone torso follows and it uses blackies vocals to maximum effect making the music a sparse backdrop and relying on the vocals to create the atmosphere. And proving why blakie has some the best vocals in the buisness. Hell for eternity follows next and while good it isn't a favorite of mine its the only song on the album i don't absolutely love. Hallowed ground penned by blackie in response to the loss of the twin towers is a great heartfelt ballad and a highlight of the album. Revengeance is next and much like shadow man is a great straight to the throat metal song with killer guitar and vocal work and one hell of a cathy chorus. Trails of tears holds a special place for me being that im at least a sixteenth cherokee and have ancestors that were probally on that trail. Once again its a softer and sparser song relying on the vocals to carry it no problem for blackie as he conveys all the pain,anguish,hopelesness and ultimately strength of the people who for many would walk a trail of death. Stone cold killers follows and its another one of my favorites for the same reason shadow man and revengeance were before it. Closing out with another solid tune rubber man and a acoustic version of hallowed ground. One of wasp more consistent releases there is just no bad work on this record.