STEELCITY - FORTRESS (*NEW-CD, 2018, Kivel Records)
1. Do You Love Me
3. Heart and Soul
3. Turnabout
4. Picture of Beauty
5. Too Little Too Late
6. Someone Like You
7. Passing Ships
8. Shame on You
9. Rock in the USA
10. Back on the Streets
SteelCity is a band made up of two of the newest upcoming stars in the melodic rock scene. Mike Floros (Guitarist) and Bryan Cole (Vocals). When Mike Floros armed with an arsenal of songs and a vision to create the album he always wanted to as both a fan and musician. He knew he needed two key elements. A singer that didn't just sing the song, but commanded the material, and gave each song life and its own story. The same way Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora feed off of each other, Floros needed a similar musical compadre that would be simpatico to his vision. That would feed and play off of his guitar playing. Enter Bryan Cole who was just coming off of his Sands of Time solo release. After one song writing session together, it was apparent that they were a fit. The other key element was the right producer at the helm. Taking on the responsibility of helping shape this album was Johnny Lima. A recognized name in the Melodicrock scene in his own right with a healthy catalog of solo releases through the years. Johnny is a guitarist, singer, songwriter and front man. He was able to relate and connect with the band on every level in the studio, and give the band a push when needed. Of course, what band would be complete without it's rhythm section! Hometown friends of Floros from his club scene days, took the call and signed on to help bring this album to life and give the needed punch! Scott West - Bass and Ron McCloskey- Drums, completed the band. But what does STEEL CITTY sound like? They sound like what could have been! Bands like GIANT, HARDLINE and TYKETTO were emerging on the scene by 91-92. They had the old school sound, but gave a new edge to the genre. Bands like them are and were the unsung hero's of where our genre was heading with its sound. Sadly, an evolution we will never fully experience, as by '93 it was over and Grunge was in full dominant force. STEEL CITY picks up where the bands of our beloved genre left off. There's no delusional of grander here, as no one is trying to retake the mainstream. Steel City is here with one mission. To deliver an album for a fanbase of an overlooked genre. They have built their FORTRESS, and all are welcome. The naysayers can wait outside.
Mike Floros (guitar, backing vocals)
Bryan Cole (vocals, guitar)
Scott Watson (bass, backing vocals)
Ron McCloskey (drums, backing vocals)